Firdoz Gangat | UK
Offering: Workshops, Meetups, Coaching


Firdoz walks the line as a Radical Honesty Trainer Candidate.

He discovered Radical Honesty in 2016. Before that, he mainly lived in his mind. He was a people pleaser and excellent at conflict avoidance! However, since practising Radical Honesty, Firdoz’s life changed extraordinarily as he learned to feel his bodily sensations and share real emotional experiences, creating deep connections with others.

He grew up in South Africa, caught up between segregation and racism on the one hand, religious and cultural moralism and family trauma on the other hand. He moved to London in 2004 and found himself triggered by his racist experiences and conditioning and struggled in relationships with women.

Firdoz is trained in Bodywork and Tantric Healing Therapy and is interested in conscious sexuality, consent, breathwork and men’s work and works as a Tech consultant. Since 2018, he has led the Radical Honesty London meetup group.

Passionate about honesty and healing, and with great thanks to Radical Honesty, his friendships, intimate relationships and lifestyle have improved as he embodies this work. Firdoz leads the Radical Honesty Anti-racism Group.

In 2021 he founded London Alchemy, a Human Healing and Honesty Movement. Join the tribe.

Firdoz leads the Radical Honesty London Meetup Group.

Upcoming Workshops Co-led by Firdoz:

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