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Weekend Workshop | New York, NY | November 17-19 | $295-$450

Weekend Workshop led by Certified Trainer, Michael Kolb and Trainer Candidate, Tony Cuseo.

If you're still new to Radical Honesty, a Weekend Workshop is the perfect place to explore a more honest YOU (with the help of some new honest friends)!

Tired of feeling alone, disappointed, and frustrated in your personal and professional relationships?

Fed up with dishonesty and fakery?

Hungry for authentic connection with brave people who want to cut the bullshit and get real?

Take a dive into self-exploration and honest self-expression with the tried and true process of Radical Honesty in this Weekend Workshop.

What is Radical Honesty?

Radical Honesty is a method for authentic communication. It’s also a way of being in the world.

Primarily, Radical Honesty allows us to cut through the bullshit stories we sell ourselves and others. Instead of performing our typical sales pitch, we tell the truth instead.

We express what is present for us in the here and now – be it fear, anger, appreciation, or whatever else shows up in the moment.

Telling the truth takes guts. It isn’t for the faint of heart. And in our experience, it’s worth it.


What can you expect from this workshop? 

At its core, Radical Honesty is a noticing practice. 

We contend that despite what you’ve been sold, noticing is far more important and far more valuable, than thinking.

The ability to distinguish between thinking and noticing – being able to tell the difference between your mind’s interpretations of “reality,” and your own grounded, observable, experience in the moment – is the key to freedom, connection, and love.

We will lead you through a series of lectures, directed conversations, paired exercises, small group exercises, hot seat work, and meditation, all of which are aimed at helping you practice grounding in noticing rather than stories and interpretation.

Once you’re grounded in noticing your own experience, you’ll begin sharing your noticings out loud with others. This is the basis for intimacy. Reporting out loud, moment to moment, what’s true for you, and being present to others who are revealing their present moment experience as well, is all it takes.

It doesn’t sound like much does it? The truth is it isn’t. It ain’t much. And, it ain’t easy. The problem is most of us have been brainwashed into believing that our mind’s interpretation of reality is reality.

We’ve also been sold the idea that pretending to be nice, sweet, and loving, even when we feel pissed off, is the way to get love and give love. It turns out the opposite is true. 

When you’re grounded in noticing instead of thinking, and you’re revealing what’s actually true for you moment to moment, love, connection, freedom, creativity, and a bunch of other things most of us tend to enjoy show up. And the even better news is that they show up all on their own, without any forcing or pretending on our part.

Is this workshop right for me?

This workshop is for anyone who is interested in honesty and personal growth.

If you have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder (or similar) or suffer from severe PTSD, please contact to see if this workshop is right for you. It is possible that you may benefit from 1-on-1 work before participating in a workshop.

In this workshop we will learn and put into practice the foundational Radical Honesty distinctions, including Noticing vs. Imagining, the Awareness Continuum, and expressing Resentments & Appreciations. We work with whatever arises in the moment, whatever you bring to the group.

If you’re struggling in a relationship, trapped in your mind, needing encouragement or support, wanting real-world practice with real-world examples, or seeking to build community with other honest folk like yourself, this is workshop is for you!


Ground Rules 

To participate in the workshop, you must agree to the following Ground Rules:

1. I agree to use consensual touch only.
2. I agree to keep confidentiality.
3. I agree to come to the sessions on time and ready.
4. I agree to silence and put away all electronic devices during the sessions.

We will discuss these Ground Rules in detail at the beginning of the workshop. If you have any questions or concerns, you may email


NYC (Address will be given to registered participants.)


Friday, November 17: 7pm - 9pm

Saturday, November 18: 10am - 7pm

Sunday, November 19: 10am - 5pm

We will take a 1-hour lunch break each day. Bring your own lunch or eat out at nearby markets or restaurants.

Group size:

8 - 14 participants + 2 RH Trainers



Refund Policy:

No refunds.

If cancelation notice is given at least 30 days before the workshop, your registration is transferrable to a friend or to a future Radical Honesty event with Mak or Tony. Transfer credits expire 1 year from the start date of the workshop you register for.



Super Early Bird: $355 (until Sept. 10)

Early Bird: $405 (until Oct. 1)

Regular Admission: $450 (after Oct. 1)

BIPOC / Trans / Disability Scholarship: $295


Intro to Radical Honesty (Friday 7pm - 9pm)
Weekend Workshop (Saturday 10am - 7pm & Sunday 10am - 5pm)
Support Call with the Trainers (in the weeks following the workshop)
Email Group - keep in touch with your fellow participants for support and practice.


The workshop is conducted in English. French and Spanish support are available, if needed.


Michael Alan Kolb & Tony Cuseo

Mak has a B.A. in Psychology and is a co-founder of the Radical Honesty Institute. He is committed to helping people develop the skills needed to live life out loud, to mend and build (and sometimes end) meaningful relationships, and to ground themselves in experiential reality. He is particularly interested in the problems of existentialism, couples work and non-traditional relationships, and dealing creatively with anger and conflict. He lives and works in Costa Rica where he is co-founder of Cascada Elysiana Eco-Lodge & Retreat Center.

“It is difficult to transition into adulthood in a world full of adolescents. This practice of Radical Honesty has been the most important work I've done in my personal journey of growing up and I'm hungry to surround myself with others who want to embark on this journey with me. There's a whole lot of road left for us to travel.” -Mak

Tony Cuseo is a Radical Honesty Trainer Candidate, and has co-led weekend workshops, and facilitated Radical Honesty practice groups. He has a BA in Communications from Chapman University and certifications in Embodied Counseling and Sexological Bodywork. He is passionate about creating art, music, and love.