Reflections on life after a workshop
John and Marvin here,
We are both Radical Honesty Trainers who never thought we would become Radical Honesty Trainers.
We went to our first Radical Honesty workshop 10 years ago in Greece led by Brad Blanton because of our own suffering and a fledging desire to do something about it, though we were unsure what that something was.
The workshop, Brad's coaching, and the people we met there became a defining moment in both of our lives. In celebration of that experience, we thought it would be fun to plan and lead an 8-Day workshop together in Greece this August (with our good friend and Trainer, Gudrun).
Since that decision, we have been reflecting on what happened to us at that workshop and what has happened to us since. We wrote and replied to three questions from each other.
John and Marvin at their first workshop in Greece, 2013
John Asks, Marvin Responds
What did you do as a result of your first 8-day workshop that you would not have done if you hadn't gone?
For me, the transformation after the 8-Day was subtle and gradual, not "this one big thing". At the workshop, I shared some secrets that I had kept for my whole life and was very ashamed about. Sharing them in the group and, despite my biggest fear, not being ostracized but actually appreciated for speaking was a big shift for me. I realized how much energy I had invested into not being found out. Not carrying that shame and not needing to hide helped me to trust myself more, which then translated into starting my own businesses and leading workshops. I don't think I would have had the courage to actually put myself out in the world otherwise.
What are a few ways your relationships (friends, etc.) changed (positive and negative) as a result of this first workshop and then in the next 10 years?
At first, and that often happens for people, my relationships took a dip. Especially those that were build on a lot of withholding and role-playing. I was not willing to keep relationships where I had to suppress major parts of myself any more. So I decided to move on from some relationships.
In general, I now judge my relationships became more real and I felt more seen for who I was. I felt I was connecting from a much deeper sense of "me". That led to more intimacy and also more trust. But also to more out-loud conflicts. Some might say that is negative, but I preferred it over having the arguments inside my own head.
Marvin leading a 7-day Radical Honesty retreat in Costa Rica
Today, my social connections are incredibly rich. I have people in my life who I can share everything with, really. And I am in a loving partnership (that recently turned into a marriage) with an amazing person. Overall, I think I am more playful and get less triggered by stuff now.
Do you see a place for secrets and/or privacy in your life?
That's a good question. In general, I don't make honesty a moral obligation. That would defeat the purpose of greater freedom from self-made rules. And I am aware that there's always a price to pay for secrets and lying (in terms of excess thoughts, tension patterns, and sense of connection). Since I have a lot of experience, probably more than most people, in lying and keeping stuff in, my tolerance for that is quite low. I am now more selective about which thoughts to share (after having gone through a phase of sharing that a lot). This is a fine-line, really. And I am aware that the process of not sharing can be building a new ego. And I also experienced that sharing some thoughts did not do any good and was probably not needed. Tricky stuff. I am still experimenting.
Marvin and Anna’s Radical Honesty Life Purpose retreat
Marvin Asks, John Responds
What was your impression of me during the workshop?
I imagined you were earnest, suffering in your life, and prone to idealization, similar to me in many ways. I went to the workshop because I was unhappy and suffering in ways I didn't understand.
What did you do with your life within the last decade that you would not have believed if someone would have told you back then at the workshop?
At the time, I felt hemmed in by my job, by emotions and experiences in my past I had never worked through, by my worries about what people thought about me and my general conflict avoidance. I also felt disconnected from others because I was showing a thin, flimsy version of myself.
The workshop started a process in me of generally unwinding my defensive strategies. I started to share more, feel my emotions, and take on the challenges of my life that I had been hiding from. It didn't hurt that on breaks during the workshop, I could swim in the incredible Grecian water and reconnect with my body, my sensations, and my felt experience.
John at a Radical Honesty 8-Day Intensive in Virginia
I started a Radical Honesty Meetup, left my job, spent a year singing opera, moved into a Zen Center, started a coaching practice, got married, went to graduate school, and will become a licensed psychotherapist later this year in California. I also couldn't imagine being in a secure, relaxed, and loving long-term relationship. I credit going to my first three or four 8-Day workshops with my now wife and what we experienced and learned about working with conflict as essential in the joy and stability of our current married life.
Where did Radical Honesty not support you in your life?
I've really benefited from weekly psychotherapy and doing ongoing personal and relationship experiments. Radical Honesty workshops have a different focus. They are short, intense, interactive, and hopefully you come away with both an experiential wake up! as well as some motivation and courage to experiment with your own life.
John and Lindsay leading a weekend workshop in Los Angeles
Great conversation—I imaging we are both very different people since first meeting a decade ago and embarking on this journey. If you are craving an experiential wake up and ready to experiment with your life, you can join us this August 19-27 in Pelion, Greece for an 8-Day Intensive Deep-Dive!
Marvin and John (along with Gudrun Graichen) will be leading this transformative Radical Honesty 8-Day workshop along the same beautiful beaches where they first experienced this life-changing work. We only have 3 spots left, so now is the time to sign up:
And join the Advanced Retreat in Greece this Summer
If you already have experienced Radical Honesty in a weekend workshop, 8-day or retreat, you can join Marvin for his 7-Day Advanced Summer Retreat from August 5th to 12th in Pelion, Greece.
This Advanced retreat is a great place to deepen your practice with others, and you'll have plenty of free time to explore the mountains and seas of Pelion! We will have lots of fun creating an inspiring environment for real, honest connections.
There's only 5 spots left which are sure to fill up, so grab your spot in a tent, private room or shared double-room:
John and Marvin
John Rosania is a co-founder of the Radical Honesty Institute and the former CEO of Radical Honesty Enterprises. He is a trauma-informed Certified Radical Honesty Trainer who leads online courses, weekends and 8-Day workshops around the United States.
Marvin Schulz started his Radical Honesty journey a decade ago and learned directly from Dr. Brad Blanton. He is now a Senior Certified Trainer, co-founder of the Radical Honesty Institute, and helps train the next generation of trainers.
Upcoming Workshops & Retreats led by John & Marvin: