Weekend Workshops
The perfect jumpstart into the practice of Radical Honesty
The Weekend Workshop is the gateway to learning the benefits of Radical Honesty and experimenting with truth-telling in a supportive environment.
All certified Trainers are bound by the RHI Code of Ethics and commit to enforcing our No Harassment Policy. If you would like to report an incident please use this Ethics Circle Reporting Form.
Discover a new way of relating
Are you hungry for an authentic connection with brave people who want to cut the bullshit and get real? Take a dive into self-exploration and honest self-expression with a group of curious truth-tellers.
If you’re struggling in a relationship, feeling trapped in your mind, hiding parts of yourself, wanting real-world practice with asking for what you want, or seeking to build community with other honest folks, this is workshop is for you!
Learn the art of intimacy and connection
During a Weekend Workshop in Radical Honesty, we tell the truth out loud about what we notice about each other, what we notice in our own bodies, and what we notice going through our minds.
Through this direct sharing, we quickly see how we are often our own worst enemy by holding ourselves back, blocking intimacy, and using our minds to make ourselves stressed, disconnected, anxious, and sad.
What We Do
The Weekend Workshop includes a variety of activities to support you in telling the truth, hearing the truth, and getting over the shit in your life.
Conceptual Models
Hot Seat Work
Directed Conversations
Foundational Honesty Skills
Paired Exercises
Couples Work
Group Exercises
Post-Workshop Community
Who is this workshop for?
This workshop is for you if:
You stop yourself from being honest with others due to fear of hurting them or thinking they can’t handle it.
You’re tired of working so hard to uphold your image and pretenses.
You feel lonely, anxious, depressed, or stressed when trying to relate to the people in your life.
You get mad at your spouse or partner, relatives, friends, and colleagues and you’re not sure how to get over it.
You usually withhold the ideas, judgments and impulses you have.
You’re afraid to tell the truth to your partner and those closest to you.
You crave deeper, intimate, vulnerable and more authentic relationships.
Friday: Warming Up
We gather and introduce ourselves, share how we're making ourselves nervous and excited about the weekend, and what we want to get out of it. We’ll learn the basics, do some group exercises, and experiment with vulnerable self-disclosure.
Saturday: Fundamentals
We start the morning with grounding ourselves in our bodies, followed by short talks, group and paired exercises, and directed conversations focused on awareness and noticing.
After lunch and a break, we’ll dive deeper into the concepts and practices of Radical Honesty through more exercises and discussions about how we experience ourselves and how we relate to others.
Sunday: Putting Radical Honesty into Practice
We continue our learning with conceptual models, hot seat work, and addressing anything that has come up in the group over the weekend. We make agreements with each other about talks we will have with important other people in our lives, to open up a radically honest relationship. We finish the day sharing appreciations and resentments, forgiving each other, falling in love and saying goodbye!
Although all Radical Honesty Trainers will do the same core Radical Honesty exercises at their Weekend Workshops, each Trainer conducts these workshops in their own way, with their own slightly varying schedule that they’ll share with you. Contact the trainer in charge of the weekend you want to attend for more information about the workshop.
Videos from Weekend Workshops
Here is a video about Radical Honesty and the Weekend Workshop from our Certified Trainers, Tuulia Syvänen & Pete Jordan taken from their workshop in Zandvoort, Netherlands with participants speaking about their experiences of the weekend:
And watch this clip taken from our Radical Honesty Weekend Workshop in Berlin, demonstrating the paired and group exercises with Certified Trainer, Marvin Schulz. (film by Johannes Riggelsen)
Weekend Workshop Details
Weekend Workshops start on Friday evening and end on Sunday afternoon. We have a two hour introduction to Radical Honesty on Friday night, followed by full days of work on both Saturday and Sunday. These workshops are non-residential, so overnight lodging is not provided. We’ll have lunch breaks on Saturday and Sunday, with drinks and snacks usually available.
We ask weekend workshop participants to commit to attending all three daily sessions, and to show up on time to each session. If you'd like to attend a weekend workshop and cannot be there for all scheduled times, contact the workshop leader in advance to discuss your options.
*Even though some Radical Honesty trainers may be licensed therapists or clinical psychologists, Radical Honesty workshops are not psychotherapy, but are a training in personal growth and development.
What Participants Are Saying
“The best parts of the weekend were the moments of real connection with some of the other people there, especially when there was an initial judgment and then later I grew to love them, something I never believed would actually happen. The most challenging part was acknowledging attraction, which normally I would consider way too risky to share out loud.⠀
I’ve done a few other weekend workshops with other groups and I feel I got the most by far out of this one. If you’re someone who thinks of themselves as being too scared to attend - I certainly felt that way - you may get a lot out of it. Or you may not. But I’m so glad I stuck with it and didn’t bail!" -Robert⠀
"The first time I read Radical Honesty I realized that the saddest and most painful moments in my life were when I had to be silent, when I had to pretend to be happy, or when lying was safer than speaking out.
It was my third husband who introduced me to the work of Radical Honesty and the rigor of practicing expressing my thoughts, my feelings, and my wants including taking a stand for myself and others.
The Weekend Workshop has helped me practice these skills and cultivate a radically honest relationship which has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life.” - Ely
“I imagine my life will be different in that I will take more risk to ask for things that I want. I realize that other people are just as scared to ask for things that they want as me.
So why not take a chance and just ask for it? What’s the worst that they can say? A “No”?
I’m learning how to accept a “No” without that meaning that they don’t like me or that I’m somehow deficient.
So yeah, asking for what I want is what I intend to do more of.”
All Upcoming Weekend Workshops:
Questions about the Weekend Workshop?
Write us and we will help you decide if this work is for you:
Retreat Yourself
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