All certified Trainers are bound by the RHI Code of Ethics and commit to enforcing our No Harassment Policy.
If you would like to report an incident please use this Ethics Circle Reporting Form or any of the other channels detailed below. Learn more about the RHI Accountability Process.
Speak Up!
If you come across something that doesn't seem right at a Radical Honesty event or within the organization itself, we want you to speak up about your concern. This could be anything from harassment to discrimination to abuse of power, or other behavior in violation of the Radical Honesty Institute (RHI) Code of Ethics.
RHI promotes a 24/48 Speak Up culture. This means that as an RHI stakeholder (e.g. Trainers, Trainer Candidates, staff, participants, clients), if you have something to say, were witness to something or were harmed, we encourage you to let us know within 24-48 hours.
For minor concerns (e.g. mild boundary-pushing, lack of awareness of privilege, etc.), you’re welcome to take the first 24 hours to reflect on your experience and determine if you can address the concern on your own. If not, we encourage you to contact us within 48 hours of the concern while everything is still fresh in your mind.
For major concerns (e.g. severe boundary-pushing, sexual misconduct, gross ethical violtions, etc.), we encourage you to contact us immediately. We would like to address issues in a timely manner … AND … if you initially decide to not notify us within the first 48 hours and later, even much later, change your mind and want to bring your concern to our attention, please know that we really want to hear it. Better late than never.
RHI has a zero-tolerance policy for retaliation against people who speak up. Reference our Whistleblower Protection Policy below.
Learn more about our Accountability Process.
Who do I contact?
The Ethics Circle (see members below) is your first point of contact for speaking up by using this Ethics Circle Reporting Form. We will respond withing 3 business days.
Alternative Contacts
We are aware that bias, conflicts of interest, and dual relationships can complicate accountability processes and we will carefully consider who to involve when dealing with complaints.
Here is a list of alternative points of contact in case of potential conflict with members of the Ethics Circle:
Ethics Circle Members
Accountability Circle Members
Kerri Timar (Steward / outside consultant) |
Ombuds Function
RHI Support
Any Trusted Trainer
You may also simply contact any trusted Trainer, Trainer Candidate, or staff member and ask them to inform any of the people listed above.
What Can I Speak Up About?
You can reach out in order to:
1. Just Vent
You’re welcome to vent your frustrations or talk it through with us even if you’re unsure whether a formal complaint is warranted.
2. Request a Facilitated Conversation
If desired, the Ethics Circle (see members below) offers support and mediation for interpersonal conflicts.
3. File a Formal Complaint
RHI team members that violate RHI’s Code of Ethics may be subject to accountability action.
What Happens Next?
If you would like a facilitated conversation in order to resolve a conflict, we will offer facilitation or mediation when appropriate. If outside mediation is needed, we can help find a suitable solution.
Violations of the RHI Code of Ethics will be addressed following the RHI Accountability Process. Depending on the severity of the violation, action may be taken ranging from formal warnings to permanent dismissal.
Whistleblower Protection
Purpose of This Policy
Unfortunately, retaliation against people who speak up about problems in organizations is all too common. Our Whistleblower Protection Policy is here to protect you from retaliation so that you feel encouraged to speak up and let us know about any concerns, misconduct, or unethical behavior you might come across. We want to be informed about problems and bad behavior and we want you to feel safe coming forward to us.
Who It Applies To
This policy applies to everyone associated with the Radical Honesty Institute, including our owners, Trainers, Trainer Candidates (TC’s), participants of workshops and events, coaching clients, employees, and anyone else who's part of RHI.
Protection from Discrimination
Anyone who files a formal sustained complaint.
We won't fire, threaten, or discriminate against you regarding your compensation, employment terms, or privileges of employment because you speak up about something.
Trainers and trainees:
Your status as a Trainer or trainee and your ability to work or continue your training will not be affected because you speak up about something.
Workshop Participants & Coaching Clients:
While individual Trainers & TC’s reserve the right (and duty) to refuse service to participants and clients with whom they are in conflict, RHI will not deny you access to training, workshops, or any other support or benefits because you speak up about something.
We will take all reports seriously and we will only offer these protections if you believe the information you’re giving us is accurate and you report it in good faith. Please take a moment to notice if you are emotionally flooded, and possibly spend 24 hours to regulate before reporting. Please use your objective voice and clearly call out your inferences and conclusions as such when reporting.
Whistleblower's Role
You're not responsible for investigating wrongdoing or deciding on corrective measures. That’s the job of our Ethics & Accountability Circles (see current members above).
We will keep you informed and involve you in the process as appropriate.
Confidentiality and Anonymity
Rest assured that we'll keep your identity safe and your report confidential if that’s what you choose. If you'd rather not reveal your identity, that's perfectly fine too. We'll make sure your anonymity is protected. If you simply want to let us know about an issue but not take any action in order to protect your identity, that’s also ok! Simply let us know your preferences.
No Retaliation
We have a zero-tolerance policy against retaliation.
Examples of retaliation by owners, employers, and Supervisors would include things like disciplinary action, termination, or harassment.
More subtle forms of retaliation can come from higher-ups or peers and might include things like bullying, peer-pressure, ostracizing, mocking, ridiculing, campaigning or lobbying against you. None of that will be tolerated.
The Accountability Circle (see current members above) will take appropriate action (potentially resulting in a professional separation) with any RHI owner, Supervisor, staff member, Trainer, TC, or student who retaliates (or elicits others to retaliate) against a whistleblower.
Investigation and Resolution
We will take all reports of unethical behavior or harm seriously and investigate them thoroughly and fairly. Depending on the situation and severity, this may involve a simple conversation with the person, a facilitated conversation to set things right, corrective measures, an accountability process, or disciplinary actions.
We'll keep open the lines of communication to keep you informed about what happens and any resolution or actions taken.
Learn more about our Accountability Process.
Illegal Activity
In addition to reporting to RHI, Illegal activity should be reported to the appropriate authorities. In many cases, this must be done by eyewitnesses. If you want support in figuring out who that is and support in contacting them, we may be able to help. Don’t hesitate to ask.
Policy Review
We'll periodically review our Whistleblower Protection Policy to make sure it’s doing what it’s intended to do. If you think we missed something or have any questions, you can shoot us an email at