Residential Retreats

Communal, Multi--day Experiences in Radical Honesty


Our Residential Retreats give you the framework and a supportive environment to practice Radical Honesty, paired with a communal living experience in a beautiful setting.


All certified Trainers are bound by the RHI Code of Ethics and commit to enforcing our No Harassment Policy. If you would like to report an incident please use this Ethics Circle Reporting Form.


Practice and Play…Retreat Yourself!


The Residential Retreat is your opportunity to learn the principles of Radical Honesty and practice it in a group setting, AND have plenty of free time to relax, have fun, and explore your surroundings while living together and connecting with new friends!

Our retreats are held in stunning settings around the world, from the beaches of Greece and Italy, to the forests and lakes of Finland and Germany, and in the tropical jungles of Costa Rica and Mexico.


Residential Retreats are typically half-workshop, half-vacation, and can last anywhere from four to seven days.

Many of our retreats are open to newbies and everyone, while some are designed for folks with past workshop experience who have previously attended a Radical Honesty Weekend or 8-Day Intensive. Some may have a particular theme or focus.


Types of Radical Honesty Retreats

Advanced Retreat in Greece


Couples Retreats are for romantic partners and married couples, monogamous and polyamorous alike. We dive deep into how we relate to one other, how we deal with conflict, with a special emphasis on partnered and group exercises to increase intimacy in our relationships. All LGBTQ+ folx are welcome!


Life Purpose Retreat in Germany


During our Friends & Family Retreat, we’ll work with healing and growing the relationships between parents and adult children, siblings, and other relatives as well as close friends.


Advanced Retreats are designed for experienced Radical Honesty practitioners who have already attended at least one Radical Honesty workshop or course, and those who are familiar with the basics can “jump into the deep end” with fewer lectures and more time for moment-to-moment group work and hot seat work.


Couples Retreat in Mexico


Some of our Residential Retreats have a specific theme or focus. At a Life Purpose Retreat, we’ll concentrate on the Radical Honesty life design model, discover our purpose, and create a plan for our future.


Friends & Family Retreat in Finland


What We Actually Do

Our Retreats balance workshop sessions and exercises with unstructured time each day to relax, explore, and connect with your fellow participants.

Conceptual Models

Movement + Stretching

Directed Conversations

Meditation + Relaxation

Paired Exercises

Free Time

Group Exercises

Post-Workshop Community


Tuulia Syvänen on the Summer Retreat:

“Do you want to know what it's like to experience and practice Radical Honesty while hanging out in the wonderful Finnish forest and making new honest friends? Check out this video about our Summer Retreats and hear from some of the retreat participants.”


Marvin Schulz on the Advanced Retreat:

“This was one of the most transformative retreats I've ever co-led in Radical Honesty. I saw people grow in front of my eyes, day by day.” Watch this video by Trainer Marvin Schultz from our Advanced Summer Retreat in Greece.


What will I experience at a retreat?

The Radical Honesty Retreat is an opportunity for you to experiment with being honest, to create authentic connections with your fellow participants, and make discoveries about yourself and the ways you relate to others. It’s also a chance to detox from the bustle of city life and spend time in nature. You will get more in touch with your body and your physical sensations, and you’ll share your experience with others.

We invite you to fully express yourself and feel all your feelings during the retreat, and our trainers will be there to support you with whatever comes up in the sessions. At times in the group, we will experience others’ loud expression of emotion, which could bring up something for ourselves. We will all agree to tell the truth, to ask for what we want, to stick with the group, and to support each other in telling the truth.

*Important: Even though some Radical Honesty trainers may be licensed clinical psychologists, Radical Honesty retreats are not psychotherapy, but are a training in personal growth and development. You will be asked to agree that you are completely responsible for your own well-being during the course of the retreat and thereafter, and hold the Radical Honesty Institute and its sponsors and trainers harmless.


Other Workshops + 8-Day Intensives

In addition to our Residential Retreats, we offer Weekend Workshops and 8-Day Intensive Workshops.

The Weekend Workshop is a great introduction to the concepts and practice of Radical Honesty over the course of three days: a Friday evening intro, and two full days on Saturday and Sunday. You’ll get to experiment with telling the truth in a supportive group with coaching, lectures, and exercises. Weekend Workshops are non-residential, and we’ll break for lunch during the Saturday and Sunday sessions.

The 8-Day Intensive Residential Workshop is our flagship offering and is the most transformational way to experience the benefits of Radical Honesty in a supportive environment. It is a full-time, communal experience designed to bring you the benefits of a year of therapy in eight days. The 8-Day Workshop includes Life Stories and Naked Work.

You’ll live together and make agreements to tell the truth, sharing what you notice while connecting deeply with your fellow workshop participants. You’ll get to experience your experience and full feel everything that comes up in our “brave-space” workshop setting, with lots of coaching, hot seat work, and support from our senior trainers.

All Upcoming Residential Retreats:


Questions about our Retreats?

Write us and we will help you decide if this work is for you:

Weekend Workshops

8-Day Intensive Workshops