the Radical Honesty Institute

About our Organizational Structure


Radical Honesty Institute

Our Co-Founders and Current Owners


Additional Co-founders: John Rosania, Marvin Schulz, Tuulia Syvänen, Pete Jordan, Anne Bryer.

Our Staff

  • Managing Director: Jesper Jurcenoks

  • Accountability Consultant: Kerri Timar Smith

  • Ethics Consultant: Raven Dana

  • Admin Lead: Dustin Billon

  • Marketing Lead: Ayesha Baloch

The Radical Honesty Institute was founded in 2021 by a collective of Certified Radical Honesty Trainers. Read our Mission Statement here.


Our Organizational Structure


Owners Circle

President of RHI LLC: Maggie Doyle

Members: Maggie Doyle, Selina Jung, Christoph Fink, Gudrun Graichen, Michael Alan Kolb

Domain of responsibility: Overall Direction of RHI institute, setting the Mission and Vision and ensuring that we stay on mission.

Ethics Circle

Steward: Michael Alan Kolb

Members: Raven Dana, Michael Alan Kolb

Domain of Responsibility: Setting the ethical and behavioral expectations of RHI Owners, Trainers, TC and staff. Receives and investigates concerning behaviors and transmits the information to the accountability circle for adjudication, consults on ethical questions.

Accountability Circle

Steward: Kerri Timar Smith

Members: Kerri Timar Smith, Maggie Doyle, (Jesper Jurcenoks interim)

Domain of Responsibility: 

Determining proper accountability action for reported concerning behavior. Occasional receipt and investigations of concerning behaviors

Training Program Circle

Steward: Selina Jung

Members: Selina Jung, Christoph Fink, Raven Dana

Domain of Responsibility: Ensuring that RHI Certified trainers are up-to-date on best training practices and current behavioral expectations. Selects, (re)trains and certifies Trainers. Determines the levels of training and certification.

Trainer Community Circle

Steward: TBD

Members: TBD

Domain of Responsibility: Place where Trainers and candidates can support and learn from each other, and coordinate feedback to institute for improvements to policies, processes and trainings.

Administration Circle

Steward: Managing Director - Jesper Jurcenoks

Members: Jesper Jurcenoks, Dustin Billon, Gudrun Graichen, Michael Alan Kolb.

Domain of Responsibility: 

  • Ensuring the day to day operation of the organization

  • Ombudsman function including appeal of accountability actions

  • Keeping Circles accountable to their mission and progress

  • Profit and cash flow projections

Marketing Circle

Steward: Jesper Jurcenoks

Members: Jesper Jurcenoks, Ayesha Baloch, Dustin Billon, Selina Jung

Domain of Responsibility: Promoting the different RHI events.

Finance Circle 

Steward: Gudrun Graichen

Members: Gudrun Graichen, Jesper Jurcenoks, Dustin Billon, Anne Baalman (bookkeeper/CPA)

Domain of Responsibility: 

  • Bookkeeping, 

  • Collects invoices

  • Pays salaries and bills

  • Cash Flow management

Circle Steward: Each Circle have one Steward responsible for setting clear objectives and aligning the Circle with specific, measurable goals. They are also responsible for agenda and minutes at the circle meetings. The Steward is the default link to other circles, unless the circle appoints a specific link for certain tasks to certain other circles.