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Advanced Retreat | Finland | October 2-6 | €760-€840

Workshop led by Certified Trainers, Tuulia Syvänen and Pete Jordan

An Intensive Radical Honesty Retreat in lakeside cabins surrounded by pine forests

Transform Your Life by Telling the Truth in Finland, 2-6 October 2024

We’ll spend five days and four nights together in Finnish lakeside retreat center, surrounded by a lush pine forest beside a lake. We will have a jacuzzi – and of course Finnish sauna by the lake!

This retreat is for you who have joined at least one Radical Honesty workshop / retreat before.

The retreat will include daily workshop sessions as well as free time for hanging out by the fire places, enjoying the snow, walking on the ice, walking in the forest, and nightly saunas in our wood-burning sauna.

Our goals will be to live out loud, to be happy and to not give a shit! Radical Honesty is a way to create connections and to stay present to our experience and bodily sensations.

🙂 This workshop is especially good for you Honesty Europe Practitioner Program current and past members and for you who are interested in joining the program!

Our aim in this retreat is to support you to:

  • connect deeply with other honesty fans

  • meet old friends and make new ones

  • work on the topics and themes important to you

  • look at your shadow side and unhealthy patterns

  • life in the present & experience more freedom in your life

  • develop further the art of asking for what you want

  • heal your relationships and find forgiveness

  • find and nurture in your life deeper love, connection & intimacy

Workshop on How to Live, Love, Laugh & Be Happy & Completely Ruin Life as You Know It

Honesty is direct communication that leads to intimacy. It is the difference between making a performance and laughing and playing with friends. Honesty is kind of scary fun that turns out better than you thought it would. Lying is work and a pain in the ass and makes you lonesome as hell.

We claim that lying is the major source of all human stress. It wears us out and eventually kills us. When people engage honestly, energy that was wasted maintaining a performance to make an impression is suddenly available for real creativity in playing together. When we admit our pretenses we can refresh our relationships and powerfully create new ways of living together.

What we do
On each day, we’ll do some conscious movement, meditation and workshop sessions. The sessions will include an deep dive into honesty work; discussions, sharing and exercises and learning through theory.
We’ll do group and paired exercises as well as hot seat work.

Leisure time
We will also have free time for connecting, relaxing, soaking in jacuzzi, walking in the forest, playing games, spending time by the fire, and appreciating nature in the Finnish nature.

Our retreat center Syvilla

Our lovely retreat center Syvilla is located beside the clean Lake Kovesjärvi in a lovely spot of lawn, flowers and forest. It has many buildings including fully renovated yet historically important main red building, an old barn turned into lodging spaces and a kitchen & big space for gatherings and parties, a large terrace which can be covered for rain, an old smoke sauna turned into lodging, a sandy beach, a wood-burning sauna and a smoke sauna by a lake, a wood-burning hot tub and jacuzzi and big hangout areas by the shore, our own small island and a lot more.

Leisure activities include enjoying the many fire places including one on the island, games such as question card games, frisbee golf, and basketball hoop. You can also go horse riding in the nearby stables.

The property in Parkano about 11 kilometers from the city center and has 170 meters of shore line and is about 1.7 hectares in size.

Syvilla about 80 kilometers north of Tampere and about 260 kilometres north of Helsinki. The railway is about 17 kilometers from the location.
Read more:

The training will be conducted in English.

The retreat will begin on Wednesday 2 October at 17:00 and will conclude on Sunday 6 October by 12:30.

Take the train from Helsinki to Parkano. The train departs about every two hours and the trip takes about 2 hours and 15 minutes.
From Helsinki airport, first take the commuter train to the Tikkurila station and then from there take the train to Parkano.
There is also a bus connection from Helsinki to Parkano, which is cheaper though takes about 90 minutes longer than the train connection.
From Parkano, we will direct you the rest of the way to the lake. (We will either pick you up at the train station or organize a large taxi van.)

You can also cycle or drive to the retreat site (and if you do drive, we will probably ask you to carpool with others).

Arriving early or staying later – holiday by the lake!
The retreat center had several building and three kitchens and also a yurt. You can arrive a day early or stay a day or two later in this lovely retreat center for €70 per night. You can relax and enjoy the peaceful nature, sauna, hot tub, jacuzzi and swimming.  If you have a car, you can visit the national parks and amazing old forests in the region. The fee includes breakfast and help yourself meals.
Get in touch with us in case you want to take up this option!


Participants will be asked to assist in the cooking, serving and cleaning up of meals/snacks as a way to help create a community during our five days together. This is commonly done in longer Radical Honesty workshops (and to help get shit done).

The workshop leaders will be certified Radical Honesty Trainers—and married couple—Tuulia Syvänen and Pete Jordan.

The Early Bird price is  €760 in two person rooms (including 21% VAT).

The Early Bird price is €850 (including 21% VAT) for a Single room.
Message us if you want this option!

The Early Bird price is valid until 30 August 2024.

The regular price thereafter is €810  for two person room (including 21% VAT).
The regular price for a single room €900.

The fee covers the workshop, healthy vegetarian / vegan meals and snacks, teaching, daily saunas, use of the jacuzzi, shared room accommodation, usage of many games and ongoing support of the group to live out loud.

The price does not include travel to the location. However we can coordinate a taxi van for the participants to and from Parkano railways station.

Kindly bring your own sheets & towels. You can also rent sheets and towels at the location for 20 euros, paid in cash on arrival.

Cancellation terms
Please note that we do not offer refunds. However you can transfer your ticket to another person qualified to join this retreat. Let us know via email in case someone else will take your spot.

Support Available
If paying for this retreat is a financial challenge to you, then please be aware of the existence of the Honesty Europe Support Fund, which offers financial support to those who otherwise could not afford to attend Honesty Europe’s workshops and retreats. Read more about the Support fund here.

Support for BIPOC
If you are low income and are black, indigenous or a person of color (BIPOC), you can request a discount from us. Message your request to us at:
Note: we might take a few days to answer your request.

Is this workshop for me?
Honesty Europe’s workshop often have therapeutic impacts, however workshops are not therapy and are not meant to replace personal therapy. This workshop is not for you if you have major untreated traumas.
Our workshops and retreats can be physically and psychologically stressful. If you have an acute mental health challenge, please first discuss with your therapist / doctor and then with us before registering.
You can reach us at:


Workshop Agreements
(required for participation)

In this workshop, we will strive to create an environment and space where everyone feels safe to express their emotions, share their thoughts and experiment with each other. Therefore, we require all workshop participants and workshop leaders to agree to the below agreements.
On the first evening of the workshop, we will devote time to discussing each of the agreements and addressing any questions anyone has about them before we actually agree to them.

1. I agree to tell my truth.
(You decide how much you want to share and we do invite you to explore going a bit outside your comfort zone in sharing.)

2. I agree to support others in telling their truth.
(Being willing to remain present and willing to hear others sharing.)

3. I agree to keep confidentiality.
(No sharing things about workshop participants to people outside the workshop without the participant’s consent.)

4. I agree to be on time and present.
(You’ll be on time for the workshop sessions and stay until the end of them. You’ll be physically present and do your best to also be mentally present (e.g. by leaving your phone outside the workshop space, etc.).)

5. I agree to ask for what I want.
(An invitation for you to voice and ask for everything you want. We do not guarantee, though, that you will get everything you ask for.)

6. I agree to take more than I give.
(Keep the focus on yourself rather than on others. You are allowed to speak, take time, take space and take care of yourself. We invite the others to do so as well.)

7. I agree to only consensual touch.
(No touching others without their permission; no physical violence.)

8. I agree to be led by the workshop leaders.
(Being willing to try out the proposed language in coaching situations and join the exercises during the workshop.)

Book your spot soon! Almost all our previous RH retreats have sold out.

If you have any questions about the Practitioner Retreat, please feel free to email us at

You are warmly welcome to connect with other practitioners!

Tuulia and Pete

About the Trainers

Tuulia Syvänen is the certified Radical Honesty trainer who has led the most RH workshops in Europe. She also does 1:1 and couples coaching.

Having grown up in a dysfunctional family—where difficulties and negative feelings were often swept under the rug—Tuulia became passionate about self-expression and self-awareness, and learned the importance of setting one’s boundaries. Most important, she learned the power of honesty. Her life’s mission is to help create more love and connection between people through honest sharing.

Tuulia participated in her first Radical Honesty training in 2012 with the founder of Radical Honesty Dr. Brad Blanton and continued her training under the guidance of Dr. Blanton.

Pete Jordan is the only certified Radical Honesty trainer in the Benelux countries. He organizes and co-lead Radical Honesty workshops around Europe with his wife, Tuulia, as well as does 1:1 coaching.

Pete has changed his life for the better by committing to live honestly, expressing his resentments and appreciations in the moment and by asking for what he wants. A major breakthrough for him was to have honest talks with his ex-wife and four siblings. He has broken the traditions of his childhood’s family and began to talk about things he was afraid of and embarrassed about and what he didn’t like in his childhood.

Pete has great listening skills and he is keen on developing and learning every day. His vision is to support others to live happier, freer lives.