Tuulia Syvänen | Europe
Offering: Workshops, Meetups, Individual Coaching

Tuulia Syvänen is certified Radical Honesty Trainer from Finland and she has led the most Radical Honesty workshops in Europe, by now around 100. Tuulia organizes and co-leads workshops around Europe with her husband, Pete, as well as does 1:1 and couples coaching and sessions in companies.
For two decades, she held leadership positions at international, non-profit organizations that are concerned with social and environmental justice issues. A native of Finland, she has lived in Germany, The Netherlands, New Zealand and Canada.
Having grown up in a dysfunctional family—where difficulties and negative feelings were often swept under the rug—Tuulia became passionate about self-expression and self-awareness, and learned the importance of setting one’s boundaries. Most important, she learned the power of honesty. Her life’s mission is to help create more love and connection between people through honest sharing.
Tuulia has changed her life for the better by practicing Radical Honesty and has more loving, honest and evolving relationships her my life (especially those with her son, parents and husband). She has learned to express her anger and appreciation in the moment. And though she still sometimes catches herself withholding, she tries try to be loving towards herself and don't any more make others responsible for her feelings.
Tuulia participated in her first Radical Honesty training in 2012 with the founder of Radical Honesty Dr. Brad Blanton and she also holds a four-year certification in the Human-to-Human Coaching and Therapy Program in Finland and is a certified leader of Dr. Fischer’s Rebuilding Divorce Seminars.
“If you do a workshop with Tuulia, it’ll change your life.”
- Dr. Brad Blanton, the founder of Radical Honesty“I went to my first Radical Honesty workshop with Tuulia in October 2015. I can honestly say it impacted my life tremendously. During the workshop, I saw my patterns and learned a lot from honest feedback of others. It gave me a mirror to see myself through the eyes of others, something that I had never experienced before. Literally eye opening! Within a year I went from totally breakdown crying all day long to a radiant, super confident, happy woman who knows what she wants and how to make it happen. I haven't felt better in 15 years and my energy levels and stamina are still growing every day.”
- Marja“I learned how to express my anger and hear other people’s anger for the first time in my life. The self-image I had created about me being a shy and introverted guy got a lot cracks. I experienced how just being myself is the best way to connect to people. I felt relief and happiness in a way I had not experienced before. Throughout the entire retreat, I felt very safe and guided by Tuulia’s compassion and wisdom.”
- Jakob
Tuulia Syvänen on 50-vuotias ja Pohjoismaiden ainoa sertifioitu Radikaali rehellisyys -kouluttaja, coach ja terapeutti. Monien vuosien ajan hän oli kansalaisjärjestöjen johtotehtävissä eri puolilla Eurooppaa ja työskenteli erityisesti kestävän kehityksen, yritysvastuun ja ympäristökysymysten parissa. Hän on asunut Suomen lisäksi muun muassa Saksassa, Hollannissa, Uudessa-Seelannissa ja Kanadassa.
Tuulia kasvoi toimimattomassa perheessä, jossa ongelmat usein lakaistiin maton alle eikä negatiivisten tunteiden ilmaisua sallittu. Kokemustensa kautta hän on oppinut itsetuntemuksen, puhumisen ja rajojen asettamisen tärkeyden – ja ennen kaikkea rehellisyyden merkityksen ihmisen onnellisuudelle. Hänen tavoitteenaan on lisätä rakkautta ja rehellisyyden kautta syntyvää yhteyttä ihmisten välillä.
Vuodesta 2015 lähtien Tuulia vetänyt yli 130 Radikaali rehellisyys -työpajaa eri puolilla Eurooppaa, joka on eniten koko Euroopassa. Hän on ollut Radical Honestyn kehittäjän Brad Blantonin opissa vuodesta 2012 ja on Radical Honesty Instituten perustajajäsen. Hän myös kouluttaa uusia kouluttajia.
Hän on myös valmistunut Tommy Hellstenin perustamassa Ihminen tavattavissa -ohjelmasta terapeutiksi ja on Suomalainen Eroseminaari -ohjaaja. Tuulialla on aikuinen poika ja hän on yhteiskuntatieteiden kandidaatti Tampereen yliopistosta.
Tuulia leads the Radical Honesty Meetup in Helsinki, Finland.
Upcoming Workshops led by Tuulia:
Want to work with Tuulia?
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Or contact Tuulia directly at tuulia@honestyeurope.com
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