You don't need to wait for a crisis


Hey Friends, Tony here.

Often true change requires a crisis (they don't call it a "mid-life crisis" for nothing).

But change from a crisis can often simply be a reactive avoidance directed more by your subconscious mind. *Positive* change usually requires resources and support to ensure your new directions come from an integration of your blind-spots and shadows, driven by conscious awareness of what lights you up, inspires you, and calls you forth.


Twenty years ago, I went through an early-life crisis after getting laid-off from my dream job. I spent a year getting clear on exactly what I wanted to do with my life. I passed my days writing music, making art, playing outdoors with friends and tackling creative projects while collecting unemployment checks and burning through some meager savings. The year stretched into three and I eventually starting making a living wage from just doing exactly what I wanted to do every day.

I met other people who wanted to do the same things and we formed a collective and later a nonprofit organization, and for the first several years, I still essentially did exactly what I wanted to do every day. Eventually, my path became a rut and our nonprofit became a machine with accountability and obligations and responsibilities to others. In other words, it became a job, and yet I stayed in that rut for another decade until another crisis sparked me to change.


Three years ago, I had a second mid-life crisis after a break-up with the mother of my son. I spent the next year diving into psychology, trying to understand how PTSD and Attachment Styles contributed to the downfall of my relationship.

Though I had never previously wanted to be a coach, therapist, or Radical Honesty trainer, I went through the Radical Honesty 9-month Trainer Certification Program and several other trainings and became a Radical Honesty trainer and coach, focusing on relationships and parenting. I brought Radical Honesty into my personal relationships on a whole new level and I dove-into parenting, launching the Radical Parenting Podcast and taking time off from my job to devote to my son and this new path.

From our first Relationship Retreat in Tulum, Mexico this past February

If you're ready for change, I want to remind you that you don't need to wait for a crisis. Radical Honesty is the best tool I've encountered for noticing, accepting, and integrating every aspect of your being into a conscious new path forward for you and your life.


Tony Shawcross is a Radical Honesty Trainer who leads workshops and retreats, and co-hosts the Radical Parenting Podcast. In his coaching work, Tony specializes in couples, relationship and family coaching. He also leads the Radical Honesty Denver Meetup.

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