What makes you feel joy?


Hi Friends, Tuulia here.

Pete and I lead a year-long Practitioner Program and one of the monthly themes is: Pride and Joy.

I love that theme!

In our work, Pete and I often are dealing with the expression of “heavy emotions” such as anger, sadness, anxiety, fear, shame, guilt and so on. And those are really important to notice, express and get over—especially if we have repressed those emotions in the past—so we can broaden our capacity to having new experiences.

At the same time, I find equally important the work we do with joy, happiness, love, appreciation, pride, excitement, desire and attraction.

Tuulia & Pete’s Radical Honesty Retreat in Finland

Recently, I was touched when a participant told me:

“That came to me just the right time! I was feeling down and grey and what made a difference was to share with others the joyful things in my life.”

When I heard that, I recall a big smile coming over my face and thinking to myself: 

“Oh, yes! I also want to appreciate all the wonderful things in my life. Especially the ‘small’ everyday joys like a delicious cup of coffee with foamed milk and topped with cinnamon.”


Many of us are quicker to judge ourselves negatively than fully owning what is wonderful, beautiful and amazing about us.

When did you last celebrate your greatness?

When did you last talk lovingly to yourself?

Watch this video by Tuulia on expressing happiness and joy, then try the exercise below:

Joy Exercise

I have an exercise here that I propose you do this week:

Towards the end of each day this week, take a moment and write down ten things you enjoyed or felt happy about or appreciated from that day. These can be fleeting moments of sunshine, food you tasted, a smile you received, a conversation, something you read, something you did, scenery you saw, time you spent with yourself or others. Anything!

I propose you write down ten things for the reason that most likely you pause and reflect. You will probably name a few things you hadn’t initially given much consideration.

You might name moments or events which were not monumental yet, upon reflection, you find meaningful.


If you don’t feel like noticing joyful things in this way, I propose you do it anyway. And then notice what happens when you do so.

Does something shift for you? Do your mood or emotions remain static or do they shift to something else? Though a smile just might come to your face, this exercise is not about forcing yourself to feel good or joyful.

The exercise is about taking stock of those small (and big) things through your day which you feel joyful or pleased about. And by doing this repeatedly, we can increase our ability to notice—and enjoy—more often pleasure in the moment that it’s happening.

How was this exercise for you?

Will you share about your experience with me?


From Tuulia & Pete’s Radical Honesty Advanced Retreat in Finland


Have a great & joyful week!

Tuulia (& Pete)

Tuulia Syvänen is a Certified Radical Honesty Trainer from Finland and a co-founder of the Radical Honesty Institute. Tuulia organizes and co-leads workshops around Europe with her husband, Pete, as well as coaching and sessions for companies.

Join me for an upcoming Weekend Workshop, Residential Retreat, or 8-Day Intensive. We also offer Advanced Radical Honesty Workshops and Retreats!

What is an Advanced Radical Honesty Workshop?

Advanced Workshops and Retreats are designed for experienced Radical Honesty practitioners who have previously attended at least one Radical Honesty Weekend Workshop, Residential Retreat8-Day Intensive or Guided Online Course. When all the participants are familiar with the basics, we can “jump into the deep end” quickly in Advanced Workshops with fewer lectures and more moment-to-moment group processing and hot seat work.

Upcoming Workshops Led by Tuulia: