How to Bring Radical Honesty Home


Hello friends. It’s me, Marvin.

A lot of people struggle to apply Radical Honesty at home. Well, of course. It’s difficult enough to be honest at a dedicated workshop with two trainers, conscious agreements, and other folks who paid a decent amount of money to partake. Doing this at home? That’s tough.

However, from my experience, the real-world is where honesty can really bear fruits.

It’s crucial to develop a healthy perspective for bringing Radical Honesty home.

I did not have this when I started ten years ago. And I frustrated myself a lot.

First, this is a process, not a miracle.

You spent however many years perfecting the habits of withholding, bottling up your emotions, and pretending. Don’t expect to undo your life’s work in one big bang.

For one, that’s impossible for most people. Plus, reclaiming too much energy at once would likely overwhelm you.

Second, you have to honor your personal history.


Like yoga, Radical Honesty does not look the same way for everyone. We all carry a different load. We've experienced different traumas. Don’t compare your own progress to others.

You are you. I am I.

Start where you are, and gently work towards greater self-expression and freedom.

That said, I want to share one very simple idea for your home practice.

In fact, I stole this from math class. It’s the concept of the lowest common denominator.

In our case, it’s the smallest honest step you can take in any given situation.


No matter what’s happening, you can take a small honest step.

Sometimes, the smallest honest thing you can do is to…

  • At least not add any new lies or pretend on purpose

  • Notice your body for three more seconds

  • Take a pause to check-in with yourself

  • State how you feel (instead of working on the expression)

  • Staying silent instead of distracting yourself with small talk

Steady practice over time trumps an occasional high-intensity experience.

We tend to mistake cathartic breakthroughs for lasting transformation. I want to advocate for a slow-cooking Radical Honesty practice.

Plan at least two years of continuous work. Little by little, you will increase your tolerance for all sorts of experiences.


And keep in mind that Radical Honesty is not an all-or-nothing approach.

That took me a while to comprehend.

Can’t express your anger fully like we do in workshops?

Well, that does not mean you have to stay silent.

There is a lot of range between the extremes. And in your daily life, you want to go there. Join me for one of my upcoming workshops and we can explore your range together. Plus, you'll meet many like-minded people who will support you on your journey ❤️

Marvin Schulz started his Radical Honesty journey almost a decade ago and learned directly from Dr. Brad Blanton. He is now a Certified Trainer, co-founder of the Radical Honesty Institute, and helps train the next generation of trainers.

Upcoming Workshops with Marvin: